Top 10 Tips For Writing A Sustainability Report

Top 10 Tips For Writing A Sustainability Report

I’ve been helping a customer to edit their sustainability report this week. Usually I simply proof-read the report, but this year the customer asked for feedback on the content, writing and structure. As it’s that time of year, I’ve put together some tips for writing...
How To Make Academic Texts More Readable

How To Make Academic Texts More Readable

Having spent the last four years as a preferred supplier to one of Sweden’s universities, I’ve done my fair share of proof-reading and editing academic and scientific texts. So, it made a fresh change when a corporate client recently asked me to translate some...
Check Your Idioms Don’t Get Lost In Translation

Check Your Idioms Don’t Get Lost In Translation

Idiom: an expression whose meaning cannot be predicted from the meaning of its individual parts. A Swedish friend sent me a text in English on Sunday morning, and in it, he mentioned that he had had “a very wet night at the neighbour’s”. … Errm? Now if you’re...
The CSRD: Are You Ready To Report In English?

The CSRD: Are You Ready To Report In English?

Over the next few years, a lot of companies will need to comply with the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). When they do, they may also need a bunch of documents in English… perhaps their transition plan, maybe new company policies, or they might...
Five Ways To Improve Wellbeing

Five Ways To Improve Wellbeing

Today’s “learning from customers” anecdote comes while translating a piece that refers to the Five Ways to Wellbeing – simple actions to practice each day to maintain or improve our mental health and wellbeing. TIP 1 Connect: with the people around you, friends,...
How To Avoid Writer’s Block And Be Productive

How To Avoid Writer’s Block And Be Productive

I spend a lot of time writing in my job. It drives me nuts when I get writer’s block, so I found the article below really helpful. Aside from trying to write during my most creative times of the day, the things that work best for me are: Going out for a run/walk...