The CSRD: Are You Ready To Report In English?


Over the next few years, a lot of companies will need to comply with the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). When they do, they may also need a bunch of documents in English… perhaps their transition plan, maybe new company policies, or they might even want help to tell a stronger, data-backed story through the Sustainability Report. If a company you know needs help with the English writing aspects of this regulatory challenge, then get in touch.

But why me?

Let me rewind 20 years or so… through my marketing role at PwC I was part of an international, external group tasked with developing the XBRL standards. I had a miniscule part, helping to communicate the progress, but still. (XBRL is now the mandated digital tagging technology within the CSRD). And of course some 15 years at PwC gives me a good understanding of corporate reporting.

Rewind some 10 years… after leaving PwC I worked for the firm as a freelance writer, often in ESG related topics – responsible investment, ethical conduct, impact of climate disasters, resilience and sustainable business.

During the last 10 years, much of my time has been spent writing, translating or editing relevant materials for Swedish clients. This has included a long-term contract with a company in the business ethics and whistleblowing area, companies specialised in risk management, sustainability reports, annual reports, biodiversity reports and tonnes of company policies.

And for the last few months I’ve been diving into the CSRD and what it may mean for my clients’ corporate reporting from next year.

I’m here to help.

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